The Proven Growth Program is focused on achieving results while making your team more effective.

The focus of the Proven Growth Program is developing a strong direction and improved financial growth for your company. A core value of the program is getting your team focused on weekly, monthly and quarterly KPIs, so they deliver the results you are after.

Guaranteed to define a strong company direction, set aligned financial outcomes for the next five years, get team buy-in, improve your team’s ability to set goals, assign KPI, and achieve their weekly, monthly and quarterly targets.


We start with a one-day strategic business workshop at the start of this program to create a strong vision, real-world financial outcomes, monthly, quarterly and annual KPI’s. Thirty days later, we spend two days in an executive retreat to finalise your plans and using PERT techniques; we build a chart of weekly actions for six key 12-month company goals.


To make sure your team achieves the results detailed within your business plan and to achieve their weekly goals systematically, we work with the executive team monthly to review progress and set next month’s tasks.  We also hold a more extended quarterly session so we can set the next quarter’s goals and review last quarter’s financials and goal achievements.

  • One Day Planning to Set Direction

    The one-day planning session is to set a clear vision, mission, purpose, brand promise and defined industry position.  Once this has been achieved, we build out the big-picture financial goals for revenue, profit, and annual cash at bank for year one, three and five.  We work on high-level goals to achieve the year one financial outcome toward the end of the day.

  • Two Day Retreat to Build Laser Focus Actions

    Thirty days after the one-day planning session, we hold a two-day executive retreat where we build a comprehensive business plan from our one-day planning session.  We create detailed financials for projected years one through five.  We spend most of the second day using PERT techniques to create a weekly schedule of what needs to be achieved for between four to six primary company goals aligned to year one of the business plan.

  • Monthly Sessions to Achieve Results

    To ensure the weekly PERT goals have been achieved for the month, we work with the executive team in review of the team’s achievements over last month.  We correct any shortfalls and help with setting goals for the month coming. The monthly sessions are a task achievement process designed to tick off the weekly tasks on the PERT chart.

  • Quarterly Sessions to Review and Correct

    During the quarterly sessions, we spend more time reporting on the financial progress of the company and how the last quarter’s financials align to achieving budget.  We then review the next quarters budget and set the strategies needed to ensure financial achievements.

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Proven Growth Program

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